Sports Editor, RTC
The Winamac softball team will open its new softball field on school grounds when it hosts Northfield in a doubleheader at 10 a.m. Saturday.
Festivities will begin at 9:40 a.m. and include a Boy Scout Color Guard, an Express Choir performance of the national anthem, Lady Warrior Softball History Shared and a ribbon cutting ceremony in which all Lady Warrior softball alumni will be invited onto the field to participate.
In between games, a memorial bench will be dedicated to former Winamac teacher and softball coach Ron Nies, and Winamac softball alumni will be introduced.
A field blessing and invocation will follow the games.
Those wishing to donate can mail a check to WCGS, 715 School Drive, Winamac, IN 46996. Please make checks out to Winamac Softball.
Donations will also be accepted at the game.
Donations will be kept separate for this purpose.
Those having questions should contact Kari (Dilts) Johnson or email coach Jennifer Belcher (